What Should I Expect?

Your initial visit will last 1 hour and will consist of a detailed discussion of your health, diet and lifestyle. Appropriate physical exams and laboratory evaluations may be performed at this time. An individualized treatment plan will be formulated for you with an emphasis on restoring your optimal health.

It is very helpful if you bring all supplements and medications that you are currently taking to your visit. (If it is more convenient for you, you can bring a detailed list of current supplements and medications with brand names and dosages as well as the approximate length of time you have been taking them.)

This will enable me to make safer and more accurate recommendations.

If you have copies of any recent blood work (within the last 12 months) or any other pertinent medical records, please bring those as well, since they will help me to understand how the body is functioning at the physiological level.

Follow-up visits are recommended as necessary and last 30 minutes. I will do my best to understand you as a whole person in order to learn the underlying cause of your illness or condition of concern.

Dr. Lisa Arnold Natural Medicine